Renter FAQs
When you have found a home that you would like to apply for, make sure 你记下街道地址,然后 click here to apply online. -
What are the fees?
There are no up-front fees to give you information or to show homes to you. 一旦你决定要租我们的房子,你就要交45美元的申请费, and a possible pet screening fee up to $25 per pet if you are bringing a pet. -
我们的房屋遍布大堪萨斯城地铁,重点是出租房屋 Johnson County. 这给了你很多选择. 你是否正在寻找一个 无论你是住在郊区还是城市,闲和庄公司都会为你提供服务. Our 与堪萨斯城地区许多大公司的闲和庄提供了稳定的收入 supply of executive level homes throughout the area.
堪萨斯城地区可能令人困惑. 大堪萨斯城地区包括两个州 (Kansas 密苏里州)和大约7个县. We have properties in Overland Park, Lenexa, Leawood, 奥拉西,肖尼,肖尼使命,球道,观澜湖,李的顶峰,布鲁克赛德,堪萨斯城 and more. 我们专门经营约翰逊县的出租房屋.
Our homes and townhomes range from $900 - $5,000 per month. -
The majority of our leases are for one year or longer. If you are 如果您想找不到一年的工作,请打电话给我们讨论您的选择. -
我们大多数的房子都是对宠物友好的. 狗和猫将根据爪子得分(基于宠物筛选)每月收取宠物费, 沙鼠,豚鼠, 爬行动物和雪貂每月的宠物费是15美元. Birds are $10 per month for small breeds and $25 per month for large breeds. 鱼缸每10加仑每月10美元,最大容量为50加仑. Farm/exotic pets & fish tanks over 50 gallons will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 租用时,每只宠物或每只笼子须缴付一次性不可退还的宠物费$150. We reserve the right to limit the number of pets that can reside in property. Dogs must be under 100 pounds as a full grown weight. 狗和猫必须至少12个月大.
主人保留拒绝任何狗的权利,所以在申请之前和你的租赁代理谈谈. 宠物的数量可能会有限制.
申请过程有两个步骤. The first step is 在线申请,允许我们核实背景,租赁历史和信用. This usually takes no more than one business day to see results. 第二步是 签订租赁offer. To expedite this process, we use an online eSignature solution! -
确保你已经完成了 online application.
提供两个最近的工资存根或纳税申报单,每个成年人将 occupying the home.
闲和庄你的租赁代理 讨论…的细节 您的租赁报价,包括入住日期,租赁期限,是否有宠物,等等.
Generally, you are responsible for the utilities in the home you lease. 有关任何公用事业或其他费用,请参阅个别房屋清单中的详细信息 可能提供的便利设施. -
押金相当于一个月的租金. -
One month of rent, 保证金, 宠物费和宠物管理费(如适用)以及任何短期租赁费用(如适用), 租赁管理费和钥匙费. -
What are your credit, background and criminal screening requirements?
Click here for a full list 筛选标准.
Please refer to 我们的筛选标准. 如果您还有问题,请与我们闲和庄 your leasing agent. -
No more than two (2) roommates are allowed for any of our homes. -
- You will need your credit card when applying online. 申请费用于下列时间收取 you apply.
- 报名费概不退还.
- 所有的租赁报价都要提交审批.
- 一旦你在网上申请并被批准,你的申请就可以在任何一个学校有效 homes that we lease.
Yes. 你绝对应该买租客保险. 它不贵,而且大多数 汽车保险公司可以以每月10到15美元的价格将它添加到你现有的保单中. Be sure to visit this site for an article explaining the benefits of having renter’s insurance.
If you have a pet, Renter's Insurance will be required.
You may 网上支付房租 通过你的租客免费 portal!
Click here 在网上付房租.
Rent is considered paid only when actually received or credited. 我们不接受邮寄 dated checks. We must be fair and strict with the late fees so please remember to make your 付款及时. Thank you.
In the event rent is not credited by the rent due date, Renter shall pay a late charge of 10% of the monthly rental amount as additional rent. -
我搬进来以后可以养宠物吗? 我可以照看朋友的宠物几天吗?
Pets are not allowed unless previously approved by 闲和庄. This includes keeping a friend's pet at the property temporarily. 如果我们在你家发现一只宠物 property you will be given a 14 day "notice to cure". 如果宠物没有永久离开 该物业在14天内,业主可选择启动驱逐程序. -
承租人必须至少提前30天提供提前终止合同的书面通知 to move-out. The move-out date must be provided at this time as well.
提前终止租赁的通知必须与重新出租的费用一起提交 如果你的租约还有一年或更少的剩余时间,你需要支付相当于一个月租金的费用. If there is 续租期超过一年,续租费为租金的十二分之一 monthly rent for every month remaining in your lease.
- You must return all keys, garage and gate remotes once a new renter is found.
- 你必须继续按约定每月支付租金,直到经批准的租客的租约生效 他们已经开始并支付了租约开始前所需的所有费用,包括租金 第一个月的房租和保证金.
- 您必须在腾空后继续支付公用事业服务,直到新租户的租约到期 term begins.
- You must arrange for lawn service, snow removal etc. 在你离开之后,直到有新的房客 moves in.
- All other terms and conditions of your lease agreement must continue to be met.
Maintenance FAQ’s
Who is responsible for the smoke detectors in my home?
烟雾探测器通常安装在天花板或走廊的高处 通往卧室. If a smoke detector is not operating properly, contact our office immediately.
如果烟雾探测器开始发出唧唧声,这意味着电池电量不足. Replace 马上换电池. Your lease specifies that you must replace the batteries.
If the smoke detector goes off when there is no fire (ie. from cooking) do not remove the battery. Smoke detectors must have working batteries in them at all times! 这是为了你自己的安全.
如果您无法找到家中的烟雾探测器,请立即致电我们的办公室 进一步的指示.
Please refer to your lease for a specific list of maintenance responsibilities. Some examples of maintenance you are expected to do at your own expense:
- 更换灯泡
- Replacing HVAC filters (which Renter must do at least every three months)
- 更换警报和安全系统中的电池
- Keeping dirt and debris away from heating and cooling units
- 修剪和浇灌草坪
- Weeding
- 维护花坛
- Mulching flower beds as necessary to maintain appearance of beds
- 定期修剪灌木
- 移除倒下的肢体
- 清理铺砌区域和人行道上的冰雪
- 处理垃圾和垃圾
- Keeping the property clean and in a good appearance
How should I submit maintenance requests (work orders)?
请在线提交维护请求 click here. You can also email
如有非工作时间紧急维修要求,请致电(913)469-6633,并按照 语音提示(按3,然后按1).) You will be connected to 我们的维护团队成员之一.
- Renter shall inform HRS of maintenance and repair problems at the property.
- 承租人应立即通知HRS在物业的任何和所有紧急问题 (913) 469-6633.
- 承租人应通知HRS非紧急维护或维修问题的财产 in writing.
- We will not be able to reimburse you for any unauthorized repairs you make.
Moving Out FAQ's
In both Kansas and Missouri the landlord is given 30 days to return the deposit to you and/or document the charges to the deposit.
引用自堪萨斯州法律:“b)租赁终止后,业主持有的任何保证金 房东可以申请支付应计租金和损害赔偿金 landlord has suffered by reason of the tenant's noncompliance with K.S.A. 58-2555, and 对其的修改,以及租赁协议,均由业主以书面形式逐项列出 通知送达租户. If the landlord proposes to retain any portion of the security 押金用于费用、损害赔偿或其他法律允许的收费 租赁协议中,除租金外,房东应退还保证金的余额 deposit 在确定该等费用的金额后十四(14)天内, 损害赔偿或其他费用,但在任何情况下均不超过合同终止后三十(30)天 tenancy, delivery of possession and demand by the tenant. 如果承租人没有这样做 租约终止后三十(30)天内,房东应将其邮寄 租客最后已知地址的押金的一部分."
密苏里州法:2003年10月改述“在租约结束时,房东有30天的时间 退还保证金,并附上一份详细的损坏清单,其中的任何部分 deposit is kept."
Per your lease agreement and landlord tenant laws, you may not apply your 你最后一个月房租的保证金.
垃圾处理机不适用于骨头、油腻的物品、肉类或大量的蔬菜 peelings. 如果电机嗡嗡作响,关闭开关. 转动刀片清理垃圾 用木勺柄倒过来. You might need to push the reset button on the bottom or side of the disposal (this is usually a small red or yellow button). 如果机组容易转动 但没有力量,打电话给人力资源服务中心.
Almost all disposal jams are caused by improper use. 清除它对你有好处, rather than requesting maintenance service for which you would be billed.
如果您无法解决问题,请使用此表单提交维护请求 located here.
No power in bathroom or kitchen or garage electrical outlets?
大多数家庭现在都配备了GFI开关. 这些开关是用来中断流的 用于家里可能会有电和水进入的地方 相互闲和庄. If you have no power in the outlets in the bath, kitchen or garage, find the reset button that is popped out and push it in. 有时几个出口是 “钩”在一个开关上. It may be that the outlets in the bathroom have no power but the reset button 那个被取出来的在地下室.
Please check all the reset buttons before calling HRS. 如果我们叫电工来的话 他们所要做的就是按一个重置按钮,你就会被收取电工的时间费.
如果您无法解决问题,请使用此表单提交维护请求 located here.
You are responsible for keeping all sinks and toilets open and free-flowing. After 5 days of occupancy, the renter is responsible for any damage or stoppage 除非它是由管道系统的机械故障或下水道管道的根部引起的.
如果您无法解决问题,请使用此表单提交维护请求 located here.
Minor insect problems should be treated with sprays (such as Raid). This 包括蚂蚁、蜘蛛和蟑螂吗.
如果虫害问题仍然存在,请使用所找到的表格提交维修请求 here.
- No heat
- Free flowing water
- 房子里没有可用的厕所
- 无法获得住房
- No hot water
- No air conditioning when outside nighttime temperature will stay over 80 degrees
- Sewer back up
If one of these occurs call HRS immediately at (913) 469-6633. 如果是下班后的紧急情况 请按照我们语音信箱系统的指示进行紧急维修 我们的维护团队成员之一.
Urgent situations can be turned in during normal office hours. 请不要打电话给 除上述应急维护FAQ中列出的情况外.
如果你有紧急情况,非紧急情况, 请提交维修申请表.
- 无功能的设备
- Roof leak
- 一个房间或区域没有电
- Backed up sink (no other plumbing fixtures affected)